Free Wifi at Festival Place

Festival Place offers free WiFi to customers.

To access the WiFi, please select _Free_Festival_Place from the list of available networks.

This will prompt a short form that you will be required to fill in on your first usage of the network. Simply add your First Name, Surname, Email Address and Postcode - you will need to select United Kingdom as your country; if you are not a UK resident, please select an alternative country - selecting a non-UK country does not require a Postcode. You will also need to tick to accept our terms and conditions.

You will then have an initial 15 minutes of free access to allow you to visit your email inbox where you will find an email with a verification link - please click this to confirm your email address and verify your device. Your device will then be able to connect to our WiFi network for free without any time limits. Your device will be remembered on your next visit and you will not need to login to use our WiFi.

In a hurry? If you just need to look up a quick piece of information, you can use the 15 minutes of unverified access and then click the verification link later. This can be done from your home PC or any other device you access your emails on to verify the device you used to register. You will then have free 24/7 WiFi at Festival Place on all your future visits.

Please note: if you use more than one device to access our free WiFi, you will need to verify each device individually. However, you are able to use the same email address each time.

_Free_Festival_Place WiFi is subject to a fair usage policy.

© Festival Place 2025